Many medicines through the ages have originated in Asian countries. Centella Asiatica extract is one such medicine. It is more commonly known as “gotu kola” in the United States, and is frequently added to many energy drinks. However, Centella Asiatica extract is more than just a natural source of energy. Here’s what other uses it has had in India and around the world.
Helps Alleviate Eczema
The leaves of this plant are often crushed in the hand and rubbed on areas of the skin where eczema is a problem. Some chemical compound in the plant seems to help quiet the itch and roughness of eczema, providing temporary relief. This dry compound sold by this company can be moistened or combined in a jelly or cream to help you with your own eczema.
Neuroprotective Properties
Neuroprotective means that Centella has a positive effect on the nervous system. It protects nerves from inflammation, neuropathy, and misfiring of nerves. Studies suggest that it even might slow down the progression of certain autoimmune disorders. Patients would have to consult with doctors to see how much of this powdered additive would be required daily to make a difference in their own unique symptomology.
Other Medicinal Uses
Ask anyone else in India with a knowledge of natural remedies about this plant and he or she will probably list a litany of ailments for which Centella Asiatica has been used. As for the company that makes the extract, you can ask questions by going to BGP Healthcare Private Limited at website.