What Welded Wire Mesh in USA Is Manufactured For

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Metal Fabrication

A welded wire mesh manufacturer creates a very unique prUnlike typical mesh. This product resembles more of a welded cage wire, yet retains high durability. Every joint where metal rods touch metal rods is securely welded to reinforce the strength of the mesh. There are lots of things for which this welded metal product might be used.

Reinforcing Concrete

Welded wire mesh manufacturers produce their welded mesh to sell to concrete contractors. The concrete contractors use it to strengthen concrete from within. Pouring concrete over this mesh product makes it quite difficult to smash, destroy, or topple the concrete. The mesh may be used vertically or horizontally.

Strong Zoo Cages

Most zoos use more natural enclosures for their animals, but in less than pleasant weather, animals have to be contained in cages. Animals may also need to be transferred to very durable cages for tests or shipping purposes.

Depending on the size and strength of the animals, this welded mesh can prevent escape. Each welded mesh product is measured for tensile strength to determine the best mesh for cage construction designed for different animals such as lions and chimpanzees.

Pennsylvania doesn’t experience hurricanes much, but high winds and tornadoes are still a concern. For that reason, a wire mesh product for durable indoor cages is a must.

Regardless of what your purpose or need is, you can contact Universal Wire Cloth Co. via https://www.universalwirecloth.com and ask about which of these products best suit your needs.

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