What Constitutes a Veterinary Emergency in Sarasota, Florida?

by | May 7, 2024 | Veterinarian

As a pet owner, you are concerned about the health and well-being of your animal. You want to ensure that your pet lives the highest quality of life possible. Some issues can be addressed with a regularly scheduled visit to the veterinarian, but others are classified as emergencies that would require visiting a veterinary emergency clinic in Sarasota, FL.

Some signs of a veterinarian emergency are pretty clear to distinguish. For example, if your animal collapses and cannot get up independently, this is a clear emergency. It’s normal for your animal to cough from time to time, in the same way humans might call occasionally. However, if you find that your animal is retching or that your animal is coughing continuously, then this is an emergency and should be dealt with at a veterinary emergency clinic in Sarasota, FL.

Other obvious veterinary emergencies include visible emergencies such as broken bones, major cuts, or damage to the eye. If you see your pet struggling to breathe, if they have vomiting or diarrhea, and if your pet is also lethargic, this could be a sign of a veterinary emergency.

A pet fighting to urinate but not producing urine or a pet struggling to defecate may be dealing with an emergency. You may see that your pet ate poison or a non-food object that might obstruct their gut. This should be brought to a veterinarian’s attention immediately so they can provide the needed care.

Learn more about veterinary emergencies, and see how the team at Veterinary Surgery Center of Sarasota is using advanced surgical and diagnostic imaging procedures to protect your pets.

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