Which Wedding Situations Require a Non-Denominational Officiator?

by | Feb 7, 2017 | Business

According to Bustle.com, changes to society and increased religious diversity are responsible for increased numbers of non-religious and non-denominational weddings. There are no laws restricting couples from choosing a non-denominational minister and the ceremonies they performed are legal but may not be recognized by your church. This quick guide shall tell you which type of officiant you need for your wedding:

1. Public Locations

With the uprising of non-traditional weddings venues such as parks, barns and bed and breakfasts, The Fun Times Guide says that are outside of a church sometimes aren’t permitted to be performed by a religious minister or officiant. For instance, a Catholic marriage can only be performed in a Catholic church. If you want a religious ceremony, ask your minister or whoever you would like to perform your ceremony if their congregation allows for them to wed couple’s outside of the church.  Many do not and in this case a non-denominational minister, who has usually more experience marrying people then most religious representatives will be a great choice.

2. Private Locations

Some private locations only allow insured and preferred vendors on their property so couples can only use a non-denominational minister. This can also cause a problem if you want a religious ceremony performed by your minister, deacon or family member.  Since the officiant is the only vendor you have to have for a wedding to take place many venues restrict who they will allow to perform the ceremony.  Though this may be thought as a negative the venue knows who is the best and truly have your best interest at heart. Check with the location before you book to avoid being left high and dry.

3. Civil Unions

Weddings that are held at the last minute due to military service can be carried out by a religious minister, but their schedules tend to be booked up months in advance or they may require the couple to complete marriage counseling sessions, completion of sacraments, ect which may not be feasible if the couple does not have ample time to dedicate to a church’s approval process needed in order for them to wed through the church. In these situations, the court house or elopement service will tend to provide you with a non-denominational officiant instead.

It is always best to double check the requirements of your wedding venue before renting said venue for your big day to ensure you are able to have the officiant you desire. Also, many non-denominational ministers have a lot of experience and can conduct a ceremony exactly how you want incorporating many personal elements a religious officiant may not be able or willing to do.

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