Understanding the Nationwide Push to Provide Free Cell Phones

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Broadband Service

The increasing employment rate has become crucial for the country’s recovery during the pandemic . It helps the employed individual cover their expenses, have a sense of self-reliance, and purchase the things they need. It helps business owners by providing a steady flow of willing workers. And it helps communities because when everybody is working, people have a greater sense of pride in the things they own and the community they live in.

One of the biggest impediments for low-income people when it comes to finding employment is the lack of internet access. To combat this, many cities nationwide have been offering free government cell phones for low income individuals.

This might seem like an unnecessary expense until you stop and think about how you found your last job. If you are like most people, you found it online. Just imagine how difficult the job search would be if the only way you could search for work was to use public resources at a library or a workforce center. It would also be challenging to communicate with potential employers looking to work with you.

By offering free government cell phones for low income individuals, cities are helping individuals in a lower income bracket tap into the massive communication network that is the internet. Not only are they able to find employment, but they are also able to communicate with employers, fellow employees, friends, and family.

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