There are basic things you should insist upon and know when looking at family daycares, in-home daycares, or a daycare center in Louisville KY. Here are four ways to size up a daycare in Louisville, KY.
Pay close attention to how the staff interacts with children when visiting a potential daycare center in Louisville, KY. Caregivers should treat the children kindly. You should see them holding the children on their laps or playing on the floor with them. Young children and babies need loving, interactive relationships with the adults in their lives to thrive.
You want your children to receive predictable, consistent care. When looking at a potential daycare in Louisville, KY, you should ask for commitment. Ask how long staff members have been working at the daycare center in Louisville, KY. If the place experiences high turnover, keep searching.
It is important to ask about policies and philosophies. For example, find out how they view discipline, feeding, sleeping, and television. Ask about how illness is handled. If the caregivers get sick and cannot work, find out how they handle the situation. The more you know early on, the fewer unpleasant surprises you will have later.
Once you are interested in a specific daycare center in Louisville KY, drop in several times. Visit at different times of the day and on different days of the week.
Learn how the highest priority at A to Z Child Care is the healthy development of your child by visiting their website at