Three Signs It’s Time to Invest in Tree Removal in Clearwater, FL

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Tree Services

Trees are a natural part of nature. But there are times when trees can be a threat. With that said, homeowners should always inspect the trees around their homes for any signs of problems. To make spotting dangerous trees more easily, here is three signs it’s time to get tree removal services in Clearwater, FL.

1. Having a Dead Tree

A common sign that it’s time to consider tree removal services is if there is a dead tree in the yard. All trees have a lifespan, no matter how beautiful they may look. If a homeowner finds that their tree isn’t blooming anymore, this is a clear indicator that the tree is dead.

Unfortunately, dead trees are dangerous as they are more prone to fall and hit homes. With that said, homeowners that spot a dead tree should think about removal services.

2. Leaning Tree

Another clear sign that it’s time to think about tree removal services is if the tree is leaning. Don’t confuse it with trees that naturally lean though. Pay attention to trees that lean after a big storm has hit or one that seems to just gradually lean over time.

3. Sick Trees

Trees are prone to being damaged by disease. Unfortunately, a tree can look health on the outside but be damaged on the inside. There are a few common symptoms of sick trees like broken stick all over the ground, rot or fungus visible on the tree, and dead leaves.

Consider Tree Removal in Clearwater, FL

Trees are a nice addition to properties, but sometimes require removal. For homeowners interested in tree removal services in Clearwater, FL, contact Happy’s Tree Service today.

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