Nicotine is a natural substance found in a variety of plants beyond merely tobacco leaves. People can discover small amounts of nicotine in several nightshade family members, including tomatoes and potatoes. However, only tobacco concentrates it enough for the substance to generate those positive vibes and a small, pleasant buzz. Still, when considering natural nicotine, how much of the substance can you find in these non-tobacco plants, and are there nicotine suppliers offering an unadulterated, high-quality dose of nicotine?
Non-tobacco Nicotine Levels Are Intriguing
The amount of natural nicotine found in plants like tomatoes and potatoes is smaller than tobacco, with just over seven nanograms per gram of the stuff. Potatoes are similar, offering just over four nanograms per gram in ripe potatoes. Contrast this with tobacco, which has 10-12 milligrams per cigarette, and you will find that there is 10 million times the amount of nicotine in tobacco. Therefore, no one can replace cigarettes with potatoes. However, the critical information here is that nicotine is a natural substance found in many foods throughout a regular diet.
Where To Find a Premier Nicotine and Nicotine-related Substance Supplier
When it comes to nicotine and nicotine derivatives, you need to look no further than the fantastic team at BGP Healthcare Private Limited. They are a well-known supplier of both nicotine and its derivatives, and you can contact them right away at their website, website for the nicotine solution you need.