The Many Modern Options for Burial and Funerary Ceremonies

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Cremation Service

For many decades, funerals have been largely the same. American families have gathered to pay their last respects and lay their loved ones to rest in cemeteries and mausoleums across the country. But these days, attitudes about burial and celebrations of life are shifting.

Whether you are planning your own burial or that of a loved one, here are a few of the many options you now have for laying a loved one to rest:

Traditional Funeral

The most popular option for burial in the United States is still the traditional funeral. This is especially popular in religious families. These gatherings may be solemn or celebratory, but usually involve the body being embalmed before being laid to rest in a casket.

Off-Site Funeral

Funerals do not have to be held in a funeral home. You can also ask your funeral company in Southfield to prepare your loved one’s body for a funeral in another location, such as a church, community center, or even a family member’s home.

Green or Natural Burial

Caskets are also not a requirement, especially if you are looking for a greener burial option. These days, you can choose a biodegradable burial box or burial shroud and give your loved one an eco-friendly burial.


Many families choose cremation in combination with or instead of the other options for burial. They may choose to keep the remains in a decorative urn, scatter them in a special location, or inter them at a cemetery or columbarium. The choice of whether to hold a funeral or other gathering alongside this method of burial is up to your family.


One of the lesser-known ways to send your loved one off from this life is to donate their body to a medical school or program. By doing this, their legacy will be cemented as having helped many people through improving medical understanding for the next generation.

Ultimately, what your family chooses to do with your loved one’s body should be informed by your own religious and cultural practices and beliefs, as well as their wishes. No burial option will be right for everyone, so always do your research before choosing yours. To learn more contact Holy Sepulchre Cemetery today.

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