Qualities of a Good Virtual Presenter

by | Mar 11, 2022 | Business

If you are hosting a virtual event and looking for a presenter, it is critical to find one with the right experience for virtual presentations. Not all presenters are equipped for providing these presentations. You should look for these qualities in a virtual presenter that go beyond the usual characteristics of a good speaker:

Excellent Storytelling Skills

While good storytelling skills are critical for all types of presenters, it is even more critical for virtual presenters. When giving a speech virtually, presenters have a more challenging time holding their audience’s attention because their environment may have more distractions. When your presenter has excellent storytelling skills, they will easily overcome these distractions.

Virtual Experience

Some presenters make the mistake of thinking that virtual presentations are not that different from in-person presentations. However, virtual events bring unique challenges that can be difficult to overcome without experience. As you search for a virtual presenter, you need to make sure you choose one that has experience with this type of presentation to ensure the best results.

An Entertaining Approach

Holding the audience’s attention is more challenging when a presentation is virtual. Therefore, your virtual presenter should take an entertaining approach to engage your audience and keep them interested throughout the event. Some speakers use humor in their presentations, while others use various creative strategies that will help their audience connect to them, even through a computer screen.

If you are looking for a qualified virtual presenter for your event, visit dougdvorak.com to learn more.

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