Powerwashing Your Brick Pavers in Your Cape Coral, FL Landscape

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Pressure Washing Service

Brick pavers provide a beautiful stone landscape for driveways, walkways and even areas around your Cape Coral pool. There’s just one problem with pavers in Florida; they accumulate algae quickly because of the heat and humidity. If your pavers are looking a little nasty, it may be time to hire professional paver cleaning in Cape Coral. The services provided by a professional in and around the Cape Coral area can ensure that your paver bricks are very clean and look brand new again. Here’s what a paver cleaning in Cape Coral looks like.

On the Day of the Appointment

The crew comes to your home, sizes up the job, adds the right cleaners to the power washer on the truck, and then begins the cleanup job. They blast algae and other bits of ground in, pounded in dirt from your paver bricks. They push it off into the grass where it will be absorbed by the surrounding soil. The chemicals used for cleaning are environmentally safe, too. The water is generally very warm to hot, and the addition of cleaners that can kill as they remove the soil and algae is most effective.

Pay for Services Rendered and Set up an Automated Service Schedule

When the crew is finished, you pay them for services rendered, or you can pay in advance online. Then you can discuss whether or not you should schedule an automated service schedule where the crew returns at intervals to blast your pavers again. For more info, contact Five Star Home Pressure Washing, LLC, at http://swflpressurewash.com/.

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