Main Takeaways from a Financial Services Industry Speaker on the Future of Sustainable Finance

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Motivational Speaker

Speakers attend numerous events and must keep on top of the latest news and forecasts for many industries. These are three trends financial services industry speakers are seeing in the future of sustainable finances.

A Lack of Eco-Friendly Financing from Large Financial Institutions

Financial services keynote speakers are familiar with industry terms such as energy-supply banking ratio (ESBR). This measure shows how much financing there is for renewable energy vs. how much financing is going to traditional energy such as coal and gas. Currently, the ESRB ratio doesn’t favor renewable energy, and funding for sustainable energy has lessened in the past couple of years. This information is vital for energy companies to know, as well as forces seeking to raise funding for sustainable energy.

Regulators Are Cracking Down

There are many things a financial services industry speaker should know, but knowing changes in regulations is one of the most essential pieces of knowledge a speaker can impart. Changing regulations can be easy for businesses to miss. Commissions and directives across the globe are becoming tougher on companies about emissions and climate disclosures. A keynote speaker will help inform you of the latest developments and regulations concerning sustainable energy.

Green Stock Rising

While 2023 saw green energy stocks in a slump, they are quickly making an upswing. The prospects for greener and more sustainable energy have improved. Solar and wind development has taken off quickly and will likely continue to become more prevalent in the coming years.

If you’re looking for a financial services industry speaker, contact Doug Dvorak for motivational keynote speaking.

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