Junk Removal in Midlothian is not Nearly as Easy as It Looks

by | Apr 3, 2024 | Waste Management Service

On the face of it, junk removal in Midlothian doesn’t appear to be that hard. You back up a trailer, fill it up with the items you want removed, and away you go. Unfortunately, it is no longer that simple. A lot of items are left as junk for one simple reason. The previous owners realized that getting rid of them was not as easy as they thought it would be.

Recycling an old refrigerator, for example, involves the careful salvaging of all the old refrigerant gases first. Old cars are full of radiator fluid, oil derivatives, worn-out tires, and old gas. Other unwelcome substances are lurking there as well. Electronics have toxic heavy metal parts inside them. The list of substances to beware of is long.

Removing junk therefore must start with a full recognition of what the junk is and how it may be safely and legally disposed of. You can’t just roll it off into some nearby creek bed without running a serious risk of arrest, fines, and imprisonment.

The junk must go, but it is better to use the services of a fully-vetted junk removal expert who does the job properly. The environment is protected by doing it this way. Your potential liability for improper waste disposal disappears. You are not exposing yourself, or anybody else, to potential health hazards by employing trained personnel to do the job with the proper equipment. The world ends up as a cleaner, safer place when you let the experts do the not-so-simple job of junk removal.

Contact Tri-State Disposal for more information.

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