Interesting Facts Homeowners Might Not Know About the House Mouse

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Pest Control

Glue traps catch more mice than snap traps. No, they don’t – it’s actually bait motels that catch more mice. No, they don’t – it’s actually poison pellets kill more mice than traps. And the debate rages on.

While most homeowners have their favorite methods of getting rid of the pesky house mouse, the truth is that professionals specializing in pest removal in NYC have found many removal methods that work. How well do you know the pest you’re so valiantly trying to remove? Here are a few mouse facts for you.

One Mouse

So you’ve just seen a mouse. Guess what? You don’t have one mouse; you’ve got many. They begin breeding at two months and have up to a dozen babies every three weeks and up to 150 babies each year. Factoring in their lifespan of up to five years, a single mouse will produce not far from 1,000 total babies over that period of time.


Mice chewing habits rival a teething baby or a new puppy. Mouse teeth never stop growing, and their 16 teeth can grow up to five inches per year. Thus, they chew on everything including wood, electrical wires, and plastic to keep their teeth under control. To protect your food, either keep boxes and plastic containers in the fridge or put food packages in glass containers.

Say Cheese

The truth of the matter is mice don’t like cheese. They’d rather eat anything sweet or peanut butter. Baiting a snap trap with cheese won’t net you a mouse; baiting it with bacon will, according to professionals dealing with pest removal in NYC. Mice eat 15 to 20 times per day, so if there’s nothing else available, then they’ll eat any cheese that’s left out.

Cats, Schmats

Cats don’t actually frighten mice. They’re a nuisance, yes, but cats aren’t always guarding the kitchen or wherever the food is located. Mice will simply target the food in your house when it’s dark, when everyone is out of the house, or when the cat’s asleep.

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