Increase Swimming Performance With Dryland Workouts Customized For You

by | Oct 30, 2023 | Swimming Instructor

It is no secret that swimming offers one of the very best workouts around to people of all fitness levels. Even without swimming, just moving through the water offers increased resistance that raises the challenge level of everything from walking to paddling. The support water offers also allows people with injuries to safely stretch and move recovering muscles, tendons and ligaments, while placing minimal weight on them.

Professional and competitive swimmers of all fitness levels, however, can also benefit from land-based workouts. Not every swimmer has the ability to train in a pool every day and it’s not necessarily even healthy for those that can to do so. Land-based training offers a variety of benefits, not the least of which is relief from a number of health-related issues that can occur when a human spends that much time in the water.

That being said, a swimming dryland workout needs to be customized and tailored specifically for the individual needs of a swimmer. Swimmers use very different muscle groups and use their bodies in vastly different ways than athletes who compete in land-based sports. From more powerful strokes that propel you through the water more quickly to faster flip-turns, a swimming dryland workout can increase and enhance swimming performance in a wide variety of ways. Athletes of all skill levels can benefit from a swimming dryland workout. If you want to seriously up your game and increase your performance, visit today to find creative ways to use land-based workouts to significantly increase your performance in the pool.

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