Implementing Electronic Digital Signage in The Tourism Industry

by | Mar 28, 2018 | Led Digital Billboards

Tourism is one of the largest industries internationally, grossing more than 7.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016. This massive contribution to the global economy continues to grow and develop every day and, while tourism plays a more significant role in some communities than others, there is no arguing tourism’s overall importance.

Travel, Trends, And Technology

For individual location hoping to increase the positive economic effects of tourism in their area, keeping up with the trends and making sure that access to local transportation and experiences are accessible is critical. One way to increase the way that travelers interact with the nearby locale is via electronic digital signage.

How can the travel industry best be utilizing this technology? The below implementations are only the tip of the iceberg.

1. Prominent maps and other visuals are even more critical in areas where the primary spoken language is different than a large percentage of tourists visiting the location. For example, the city of Tokyo provides digital maps along the sidewalks of main streets so that non-Japanese-speaking tourists can acquire a visual representation of their location in a massive city.

2. Digital Signage Today notes another important use for electronic digital signage—by promoting local businesses with custom advertisements, tourists are led to quality eateries and shops while the domestic economy prospers.

3. The travel industry can also utilize electronic digital signage with the use of touch screen kiosks located within welcome centers or popular tourist destinations. By promoting easily accessible information about the location and the available opportunities, travelers can be more engaged and cultivate positive experiences that will keep them coming back again and again.

The use of digital signage is limited only by the creativity of the travel and tourism industries as they develop more and more ways to use these new technologies to improve the travel experience and boost the global economy.

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