How to Check Your High-Quality Lawn Mower Belts for Damage

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Business

Lawnmowers are expensive pieces of equipment that require preventive maintenance to ensure they function correctly throughout their lifetime. One of the most critical components of your mower is high quality lawn mower belts. Here’s how you can spot damage in your mower belt and ensure it will be ready to go when you need it.


Brittle-looking belts or belts that appear dry have an increased chance of breaking because the flexibility of the belt is lower. It can’t move as it needs to, and tension will become too great, snapping the belt.


Most of the time, a thin belt is caused by normal wear and tear. However, if the belt is only thin on one side or in random places, you may have an issue with your pulley system that needs to be addressed. Check your pulleys and the alignment of your mower to prevent these issues.


There are two reasons high-quality lawn mower belts may become loose. The belt may have been stretched over time and is due for a regular replacement, or part of your hardware may be loose and need tightening.

Nicks, Cuts, and Clumping

As you mow, debris flies up into your mower and may damage the belt. You want to keep the deck of your mower as clear as possible. After you’ve finished mowing, you can take a leaf blower and blow out debris. You could also use a hose and water if you dry the deck afterward.

If you’re looking for new, high-quality lawn mower belts, visit FDI Drive!

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