Faster Swimming: Why You Should Taper and How to Do It Correctly

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Swimming Instructor

You have finally decided that you want to swim competitively. You have been a casual swimmer for a while now and you know you have what it takes to push the envelope further. What do you do next?

The first thing we suggest is to enroll in a multi week swimming course at a local pool which you have heard provides excellent programs for swimmers at your level. You can let them help you determine for how long you need instruction and practice. They will also probably know when and where you can sign up for a swim competition in your future.

You should look for a company that has great reviews, maybe even comes with recommendations from family and friends. You are also looking for certified swim instructor with experience with swimmers of your age and with your goals.

Great, so you have the right place and signed up for a multi week course. Now you have finally completed your training and your meet is a few weeks away. How do you proceed?

Your instructor suggested you move ahead with something called swimming taper workouts. Even though you thought you knew all the swimming terms this one is new to you. What are swimming taper workouts? This is a proven method by which you keep your accumulated progress but instead of going full throttle in the pool you taper what you are doing in a specific manner. To stay in your “groove” you drop the amount of time you swim, keep up with most of your frequency, and either turn up or maintain the intensity of your swim sessions.

If you live in or near Columbus, OH you should reach out to Coach Brad at They can help you train and giver you what you need to maybe even win a meet!

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