Combining Cremation and the Catholic Funeral Mass

by | Feb 26, 2024 | Cremation Service

The funeral mass is one of the most important parts of the Catholic burial tradition. Also known as the requiem mass, this service offers family and friends the opportunity to grieve, as well as give thanks to God for their loved one’s life, their salvation, and the opportunity for them to be together again in death.

All of this is centered around the presence of the deceased person’s body. This is usually done in the form of a traditional preparation, with the body being embalmed and placed into a coffin or casket. However, many modern families are choosing alternatives for their loved one’s burials that do not follow these same traditional guidelines.

But do these alternative burial options fit into the traditions of the Catholic requiem mass? Can you choose a cremation service in Hayward for your loved one and still be in line with the church’s doctrine? Here is what you need to know:

Service Before Cremation

The best way to ensure that your service is in line with Catholic traditions is to plan for the mass to take place before the cremation. This way, your family’s priest can still take all the traditional steps in preparing the body—and therefore the person’s spirit—for life after death.

Adaptations for Today’s Families

Not everyone can afford the full burial tradition of using a casket and having a viewing of their loved one’s body. Financial difficulties are one of many reasons people may choose cremation. The church has made allowances for this, adapting its doctrine to allow for cremation before the funeral mass.

Your priest can adapt their liturgy to allow for this change. Be sure to have a conversation with them prior to the service so they can plan for the correct proceedings.

If you are interested in working cremation into your loved one’s burial under Catholic tradition, discuss these plans with your local cremation service in Hayward. Sorensen Chapel, a well – known service provider, can help you ensure that the cremated remains of your loved one are treated respectfully and provided with a proper Catholic burial, putting your family’s minds at ease.

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