Alternative Jobs You Can Do With a Veterinary Technology Degree in Anaheim

by | Sep 25, 2023 | College

Many people think pursuing a veterinary tech degree means you are stuck working in a vet office. However, you can do much more with your skills and qualifications. You can cater to the wellness of various animals and guide animal owners in taking care of animals. So, if you have a veterinary technology degree but don’t relish the idea of veterinary office confinement, there are other career options for you.

What Does a Veterinary Technology Degree Mean?

A vet technology degree is a program that teaches about diagnosing, caring for, and treating various animals. The program takes two years and covers various subjects, such as pharmacology, anesthesia procedures, clinical pathology, laboratory procedures, and diagnostic imaging, among others.

Below are some career opportunities you can pursue with your veterinary technology degree in Anaheim.

Have Fun as a Zookeeper

A zookeeper manages the wellness and health of animals in a zoo. They accomplish this by properly feeding and watering animals as well as offering essential enrichment activities according to the facility’s established care plan.

In addition, you will need to monitor the animals’ health by regularly inspecting for illness, injuries, or unusual behavior changes. You can earn more than $30,000 per year as a zookeeper.

Become a Kennel Manager

As a kennel manager, you have the responsibility of overseeing housing operations and coordinating the care of animals under your care. You need to develop feeding schedules, create a work schedule, and supervise all other kennel employees.

Consider Becoming a Diagnostic Technician

You can earn a living helping veterinarians in diagnosing and treating various illnesses of all animal kinds as a diagnostic technician. This option allows you to operate diagnostic equipment under the supervision of the chief veterinarian or other diagnostic experts.

You may also be required to perform the following duties and more:

  • Prepare diagnostic forms
  • Prepare animals for imaging
  • Input results

This profession is among the highest-paying jobs in the veterinary industry.

Animal Nutrition Can Be Exciting

Consider becoming an animal nutritionist with your veterinary knowledge and experience. Your primary duty will be to create animal food and come up with a personalized dietary plan for some animals. A nutritionist accomplishes this by studying the animals’ genetic composition and evaluating their overall health.

Studying for a veterinary technology degree provides many career options. Earn your Veterinary Technology Associate in Anaheim at Platt College today and enjoy the various opportunities as a veterinary technician.

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