A Pet Preservation Option: Pet Skeleton Preservation and Articulation

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Pet Preservation Service

Losing a companion animal can be distressing. As a much-loved family member, they were there through so many moments of your life – both good and bad. There are many options to preserve your memories after she or he has passed. One is pet skeleton preservation.

What Is Skeleton Preservation of Your Pet?

As the name indicates, this post-life process preserves the skeleton of your beloved pet intact. It is one option for pet preservation among many available from a reputable pet perpetuation company. This process allows you to obtain something as simple as a skull or as complex as the entire skeletal structure. It depends on your preference and what the company offers.

If your pet has been damaged in some way from trauma, the preservationist should be able to articulate the bones, restoring the skeletal remains into the original pet you loved and knew so well.

The basic process is to remove the outer coating of your companion animal carefully and respectfully, stripping him or her down to the bone. The specific process to achieve this will vary. This is followed by a thorough cleaning.

Ask for this Option

If you wish to preserve your pet’s remains uniquely and respectfully, do not turn to amateurs. You need the expertise that such a delicate process demands. Through pet skeleton preservation and articulation, you can hold onto a visual representation of your pet. Contact the professionals at Bischoff’s Pet Preservation. They will offer both solace on your loss and explain your options thoroughly.

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