Making an Online Charity Donation? Mistakes to Avoid

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Charitable Trust

Online charity donations make it easier for people to send contributions and support the causes they believe in. However, ensure you aren’t making a big mistake before sending money. Sidestep over these common pitfalls.

Not Researching the Charity

Donating to a charity is a step you take after researching the organisation. What causes do they support? What marginalised sectors of society do they help? What services and programs do they offer? The information will help you determine which charity should be on your list. Be sure to ask these questions before making a charity donation online in India.

Not Checking if the Charity is Tax-Exempt

Is the charity deductible? That’s usually the case. However, you must understand how that donation will impact your taxes. You wouldn’t want to miss out on this perk. But keep the limits on those deductibles in mind.

Not Considering the Fees

Some organisations will charge you fees. You don’t have to spend more money on the fees, though. You can use a portion of the donation to cover the costs. However, that will reduce the amount of the donation, and if that’s not the result you want, you can always go over the amount you intend to donate, so there should be more than enough to pay the fees.

Not Checking the Site’s Security

You want to donate. You want to support a cause close to your heart and belief systems. But before you hit “donate,” make sure you check the site’s security. Is it safe to send the donation online using the site’s system? Or are there lags in the system to indicate hackers have breached the firewalls?

Not Reading Reviews and Feedback

Find out what other donors say about the charity. Are they happy with the work the charity is doing? Are they confident that the charity is using the funds to support the people their programs are supposed to help and reach out to? Find out.

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