Garbage being transported to a landfill or a processing plant for solid waste passes through the waste transfer station in Locust Grove, GA, on its way to its final destination. Small dumper placer bins and tippers are used to transport the rubbish to this location.
Through a hopper that has been specifically developed for the purpose, the contents are transported straight onto giant tipper lorries. These enormous tipper trucks, in turn, transport the rubbish to a landfill or an MSW processing plant to undergo the ultimate stage of disposal.
Saves on Travel Time
It is not necessary for the smaller garbage vehicles, including those that pick up a dumpster rental, to travel a significant distance to reach the landfill site, which, on average, is situated over 15 miles away from the heart of the city. This reduces the time spent traveling, allowing the fleet to be better utilized for making additional trips, ultimately resulting in more efficient cleaning and sweeping. Because there is a reduction in the amount of fuel used, the costs associated with transporting rubbish are cut down significantly.
Less Wear and Tear
The waste transfer station in Locust Grove, GA, makes it possible to drive shorter distances and use landfills with better environmental conditions to reduce the wear and strain placed on a vehicle’s tires and other components. Because there would be less activity at the dump site, the rubbish will be able to be spread out more evenly, and the sites will have a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.