Enrolling Workers in OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Training in California

by | Feb 23, 2024 | Business

As the manager of a busy medical laboratory, you must ensure all of your employees know how to handle potentially dangerous substances correctly. You cannot risk any of them mishandling test samples or vials of blood if you want to prevent contamination and the spread of illness in your lab.

However, both new and experienced employees may sometimes forget what safety protocols they are supposed to follow. Enroll your lab staff in OSHA bloodborne pathogens training to ensure a safe working environment for all.

Avoiding Fines and Closure

If inspectors from this government agency conduct an inspection of your lab and discover significant violations, you could face substantial fines that may deplete your business’s financial resources. In the worst-case scenario, the inspectors could even temporarily close down your lab until you and your staff undergo proper retraining.

You cannot risk losing a single day of work because of such violations. You may have dozens of medical facilities that depend on you and your lab workers providing prompt and accurate test results. To ensure everyone knows how to follow the safety rules of this government agency, you can enroll them in a course that refreshes their skills.

You can find out more about OSHA bloodborne pathogens training for your workers online. To get details on how to enroll or when the class is held, contact ROI Safety Services at https://roisafetyservices.com.

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