What Makes Stainless Steel Conveyor System the Best Choice?

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Systems Fabricator

The material your conveyor rollers are made from is crucial when evaluating your options. Steel is a popular choice for business owners. Not only is steel durable, but it also provides accurate and consistent results. Here are four other reasons that make steel a superior choice for your conveyor system.

Zero Risk of Contamination

Stainless steel should be your number one choice if you process food or anything prone to contamination. The material is inert and won’t introduce bacteria or impurities into the product as it moves through the facility’s production line.

Easy to Clean

When cleaning your plant’s rollers, nothing can be simpler than steel. The material isn’t porous. All your staff have to do is wipe the rollers with a bleach solution to disinfect them. You won’t need abrasives or special scrubbing during cleaning.

Retains Food Flavor

If you process food and need to transport it via conveyor belts, stainless steel is the best choice. It doesn’t transfer impurities or particles to the food, so the food’s flavor will remain the same from preparation to packaging.


Extreme temperatures will never be an issue when using stainless steel conveyors. The material can handle hot or freezing temperatures. As a result, you won’t need to replace parts or roller components every so often.

If you would like to purchase a conveyor system for your plant or facility, Design Machine & Manufacturing can help.

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