Tips For Choosing Metalworking Additives

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Business

The evolution of equipment in the metalworking industry allows for faster production of parts and components with precision tolerances. However, adding speed and automation to these processes means that the quality of the metalworking fluid must be carefully matched to the specific application to prevent excessive wear and tear on key components.

Choosing the right metalworking additives for the fluid, including neat oil and soluble oil, starts with understanding what each additive offers. There are many different options to consider when selecting additives, and many applications benefit from the combined advantages of these additives.


Choosing an antifoam additive benefits both the process as well as the equipment. Excessive foam in the metalworking fluid will reduce lubrication, limit cooling ability, and lead to problems with foam removal through the machine. Choosing the right additive will reduce the need to replace parts and components and clean equipment. It is important to choose an antifoam additive based on the type of oil and the specific application.


A key consideration for metalworking additives is lubricity. Different additives include various polymeric options that are used for specific metalworking applications. Some of these additives also offer corrosion inhibitors and also act as emulsifiers.


Emulsifiers help to reduce foaming and also to assist in the blending of the required combination of the oil-based and water-based components of the metalworking liquid. As with other types of metalworking additives, emulsifiers are designed for specific formulations of metalworking fluids.

Other options in additives for metalworking fluids include rust protectors, extreme pressure additives, and corrosion inhibitors.

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