How to Get Started with Dressage Horse Training

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Horse Training

The magic of dancing in sync with your horse is every horse owner’s desire. For a rider to dance together with a horse, however, an incredible relationship and years of training are required. If you love dressage competitions and want to perform with your horse before large crowds, this write-up is meant for you.

Let’s evaluate what dressage is and how to get started with the training.

What is dressage?

“Dressage” evolved from “dresseur,” a verb that means “to train” in French. It is an Olympic discipline with great international popularity. With elegance and precision, the horse and the rider perform a series of movements from memory. Due to the controlled and graceful movements of the horse, it is often referred to as “horse ballet.”

How to get started with dressage training

Dressage is a form of training and riding a horse. It includes systematic and thorough processes that start early in a horse’s life, usually when your horse is 4 years old. Dressage horse training is designed to develop keen senses between you and the horse for the completion of complex movements with minimal cues.

Training your horse for dressage involves developing its strength, obedience, and balance. The training should also develop your communication with the horse and the ability to control it. This will ensure you work together with the horse and execute the predetermined movements precisely and in harmony.

What to consider before starting dressage training

Before starting horse training, you must consider the following factors:

Age of the horse

You should start dressage training shortly after your horse turns four. Even if you don’t want to begin training with a green broke horse, be sure to start standard riding before the horse turns four because waiting too long will cause the horse to have a strong will, making it challenging to do the training.

Relationship with your horse

Developing a bond with your horse is the simplest way to start dressage training. A deep connection must exist for the horse to perceive and act on your subtle cues. Spending quality time with the horse helps you understand its temperament, allowing you to react and behave accordingly.


If you want your horse to respond to your commands during dressage training, you must learn how to relate to it. Happy Horse Happy Life will help put together the best training plan for you and your horse.

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