On-Demand Remote Interpretation Services

by | May 22, 2023 | Communication Services

One of the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic is the move from in-person meetings, conferences, and training opportunities to the use of software solutions. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Skype are all common platforms for webinars, virtual meetings, conferences, and other networking and training opportunities. In addition to remote video interpreting, over-the-phone interpreting is also available.

Offering on-demand remote interpretation services is a simple way to increase diversity, inclusion, and equity in these online events. Attendees and participants log into the platform using their internet-connected device and then click on a button to hear the interpreter sharing the information in their language.

Real-Time Interpretation

Remote interpretation services offered in real-time are known as remote simultaneous interpretation services. The interpreter, the speaker, and the participants in the event can be in the same place or at different locations. They can access this technology to provide seamless interpretation in their native language. Remote interpretation is also ideal if finding interpreters for specific languages in your city or area is difficult.

Simultaneous interpretation using remote interpreters allows for multiple languages and offers a cost-effective way to include a broader range of participants and speakers. These services also make it possible to have global meetings or work with clients and customers worldwide and effectively communicate in real-time.

These on-demand remote interpretation services can also be used for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, further increasing opportunities for participation and interaction in online or in-person events.

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