5 Mistakes a Roofer Shouldn’t Make While Roofing Company Near Pewaukee, WI

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Roofing

Mistakes on the job can be costly. Fortunately, you can easily prevent most of them. If you’re hiring a crew of roofers, look out for these mishaps.

Mismatched Shingles

When hiring a roofing company near Pewaukee, WI, check the quality of the materials they use. Additionally, ensure that the shingles match. An attentive homeowner should be able to spot mismatched shingles, which can be a sign of carelessness. It’s wise to avoid roofers who make this mistake, as it reflects their attention to detail and commitment to quality.

Layers of Shingles

This depends on your situation. For homeowners, removing the old roof is better. Stacking the new roof on top can lead to structural damage and overcapacity. So, stacking isn’t ideal. But if the roof is for a commercial building and the combined weight passes local and state laws, that can work, too.

Wrong Use of Roofing Nails

Watch contractors before hiring a roofing company near Pewaukee, WI. What is their skill level? Are they experienced? If you see the roofers using roofing nails improperly, that could lead to roof failure. That signifies poor professionalism, so move on to the next.

Ignoring Manufacturer’s Guidelines

When you observe contractors from a roofing company near Pewaukee, WI, do they abide by the guidelines set in the manufacturer’s manual? There are regulations to follow, so keep them in mind.

Little Insurance Coverage

Always remember to ask the roofing contractor about insurance. Is their coverage enough? If one of the workers gets into an accident while on site, will the coverage ensure they receive proper care and treatment? That policy is all that stands between you and financial ruin. A single medical emergency could wipe out your funds in one go, so insurance isn’t something you can overlook.

Learn more about roofing companies and the mistakes they make. Talk to Benchmark Exteriors for advice and services.

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